
Sunday, August 10, 2008

He's Back...

Josh is finally back from his week long scout camp. You would think that having one less boy to feed and clean up after might be nice, but Josh is my kid that always get's up and gets his chores done(and might I add does them well). He had a great time! Sooo glad to have him back...our home just doesn't feel the same when one of the kids are gone.
Riley went on an overnighter friday night and caught two fish, he also had a fun time and came back ready for a good shower! Thank heavens for(not so) little boys!


Kelly said...

Your boys are so cute, and such good kids. Probably because they have such a great mom! I hope mine turn out as good!

Kelly said...

We were going to call Josh yesterday and wish him a happy b-day and obviously we forgot! Tell him happy birthday from us! We need to get the rest of the family on board with this blogging thing so we can see what is going on with all of us!